Motoring News

Fresh hope for safer roads around the world

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa – The southern African nations’s Global Road Safety Partnership has been renamed as the National Road Safety Partnership but will retain its close ties to the international GRSP from where the organisation developed 21 years ago.

Eugene Herbert, new chairman of the NRSP, told The Corner: ”The NRSP will continue to collaborate and share knowledge with the international GRSP.

“Road safety partnerships are dedicated to proactive measures to improve global road safety and awareness initiatives as an international issue that requires participation from local and international organisations.

”The NRSP and GRSP will develop this crucial connection. The NRSP looks forward to continuing its local initiatives and to adding more to make an even greater difference to road safety. Part of this includes aligning with the vision and mission of the international GRSP to create a body of strong organisations around the world dedicated to reducing road carnage.”


Dave Cliff, CEO of the GRSP based at the secretariat of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in Geneva, says the organisation has committed to continuing its partnership approach, working closely with key road safety organisations worldwide.

“Many of our partners have contributed to the body of good practice through local implementation of evidence-based interventions tailored to the local context.

”The NRSP in South Africa, a strong partner for many year,s is looking forward to continuing our relationship.”

The NRSP was developed in South Africa in 1999 to create a country without the road deaths and injuries.

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